Service Offerings

Strategy Facilitation

The variety and number of techniques used to divine the long term vision and ultimate goal of the enterprise, and then to define strategies to achieve these outcomes continues to rise.  We make it our business to be continuously aware of developments in the field of enterprise strategy and the most appropriate methods to use according to the particular needs of our clients.  Each situation is different and so we will design a process for each client that suits the culture, size, maturity, business and industry circumstances that apply.

We follow a classical, generic approach to the process of facilitating strategy development and the representation of strategy using visualization tools such as strategy maps and other graphical artefacts.  Balanced Scorecard methodology has been found to be the most effective way of building a strategy focused organization and we build capacity in its application within our client organizations.

Performance Management

Building Balanced Scorecards and using them to manage strategy execution throughout all levels in the enterprise is at the core of strategic management practice.  Strategy maps for divisional units, departments, sections, teams and individuals are produced by cascading higher-level scorecards while ensuring alignment of objectives between perspectives, and layers, through cause-effect relationships.

We are able to assist our clients in driving out the detail and verifying the validity of scorecards, including the definition of objectives, measures, targets and initiatives that interlock to produce an integrated framework that can be used to manage performance.  In this regard we can assist in the design of performance management processes and the sourcing and implementation of suitable performance management software solutions.

IT Governance

For the enterprise to survive and indeed prosper in today’s world, whether in a competitive environment, or whether striving to satisfy public policy / social imperatives, its leaders and managers have to wholeheartedly embrace information technology – failing to do so simply means that they are not in the game, whatever the industry or line of business.

We now live in the digital information age, and we have no choice than to acknowledge our many and complex dependencies on IT at all levels of business activity.  Sound governance of enterprise IT differentiates winning organizations from those whose lack of focus on accountability, responsibility and decision making processes in IT matters results in sub-optimal performance, inefficiencies, excessive costs and lack of competitive capability.

We specialise in introducing and implementing suitable IT governance practices into your business, applying acknowledged best practices.  We thus facilitate alignment of your IT with the business strategy thereby maximising the value outcomes from your IT investment.